
Okal Metal Metalurji Sanayi ve
Ticaret Limited Şirketi


In our billet casting facility, aluminum billets between 50,000 kg and 60,000 kg are produced annually in different sizes and alloys. For this, all necessary analyzes are made by taking samples from molten metal at different stages during and at the end of casting with highly advanced test and analysis devices.

  • To prevent profile surface defects in extrusion process
  • To obtain superior and high quality surface in the anodizing process.
  • To get good results in electrostatic powder painting process
  • And also our aluminum billets that we produce in order to reach the maximum extrusion speed
  • Our aluminum billets that we produce in order to reach the best and the best limits of alloying elements.
  • Removing the melted metal gas in the furnace and purifying it from foreign particles
  • And finally, we end our production with the homogenization process.